Empowerment Session Giveaway
I have been letting this idea float through my mind for a really long time and it finally feels like the right time to release it into the world. I feel like there are so many women in this world who sideline their own wants and needs to ensure the people they are surrounded with are living their best lives. We need these amazing people to keep showing what a beautiful world we can live in. But we really need to ensure that they can feel the beauty that they share with us.
My goal is to find a really deserving woman and gift them a photoshoot. I want to make someone feel the love and beauty that everyone around them gets to love and appreciate every single day.
- Anyone can send a submission in the provided form on the SJP website. The submission should include why you feel the woman you are nominating deserves a shoot to help her feel inspired and beautiful.
- The form must be completed and submitted no later than April 27, 2024 by 5:00PM MT.
- The submission should be completely anonymous!
- SJP will review each submission and choose one that really stands with the most positivity and fulfillment.
- All submissions must include a code word created by the applicant. (This will help you identify your entry if it's selected!)
- SJP will share a sentence from the submission paired with the code word to social media for the applicant to identify. This will be shared on Friday May 3rd, 2024.
- A personalized gift certificate will be available for the chosen entry to present to the woman they nominated.
- SJP will work with coordinating the chosen individual to schedule the gifted photoshoot.
- The session must be booked based on SJP's 2024 availability & a contract must be signed by the chosen individual for the photoshoot. The session cannot be re-gifted or exchanged for another gift certificate or cash/dollar value.
- Session may be subject to travel fees.
The chosen submission will receive a gift card for ONE photoshoot with Sammy June Photography. (30 fully edited digital images.)
A makeup application with Lauren Marie for the gifted photoshoot.